
Monday, May 28, 2012

what becomes...

Several years ago, I made several parasite/worm/slug forms out of my worn-out discarded undergarments and stockings. An ode to my ever-passing fecundity..Here, I've restaged them with absorbent cosmetic removal pads and a cut-up plastic lace tablecloth.

 The floor had the perfect perfect pattern texture/ color for this work..I'm hoping it translates just as well on other surfaces..


Next rework:
Here, I've combined what used to be two seperate pieces, entitled "Always a Bridesmaid" and "Winterloper". The first is made from a tangled bedspring meticulously covered in a deconstructed pink satin dress, embellished with lace trim, ruffles and netting. The latter is an upholstered form based on a fruit, an egg, or and ornament. Its quandrants part to reveal and interior lined with irridescent green sequins (this was my prom dress) and a white nylon stocking membrane network with stuffed satin seeds thoughout. Emerging for the pod's center is a rhinestone-studded (yes, phallic.but .no, not just dumbly phallic...also a bit wormy) parasite.

Shown together (with more formalwear included- my aunt's hoop skirt form, my mother's homecoming dress) dubbed "Runner-up":

There's some black beetles crawling around on there..made from, again, old undergarments. They didn't make sense to me anymore (visually) with the worms, so I seem to be trying to locate a new home for them.

from the "rear"

inside view from above

worm and its furry lair.


It feels a bit strange jumping back in time like this. I've since moved out of this house, narrowly escaping forclosure and utility lock-down.. I 'm living in a new place with a more spacious room to call my studio (it has wallpaper!).
Above, are the final images of the apartment tour (version 1...) Closet space with multi-media alien forms.